got to do this daniel higgs druid flash piece the other day. i was very very excited. thanks dakota. if anyone has prints of dan higgs flash that theyd sell to me or trade to me, email me at

also worked on a leg sleeve im doing. added the ship/anchor, the bird, and the flower the other day. thanks mallory.

a rose right on the ditch, accompanied by a bird.

and stippled mandalas/geometric designs have become one of my favorite things to do. theyre extremely relaxing.

heres some paints from the week.
some milton zeis and leroy minugh bangers (though the bird and bottom right rose i just drew in for space)

testing out more black paint i found.

found an amazing old sketch at an antique store. it was women that made a devils face. had to reproduce it in my style.

im heading out to NYC next thursday. cant wait!!!